Interested in becoming involved with

the Florida Stroke Collaboration?

View the Categories Below

to Determine which best fits you

as a Stroke Health Warrior!

Participate as a Stroke Health CHAMPION

  • You are part of an institution (hospital, university, non-profit or for-profit agency, government), and you are interested in learning more about collaborating on stroke related scientific/clinical endeavors
  • Join us by telling us a little more about yourself/your institution. Please provide your contact information HERE.
  • No membership dues. Always free to join.

Participate as a Caregiver/Stroke VICTOR

  • You are a community member and/or a stroke victor with interest in contributing your experiences, or with interest in learning more about stroke prevention/rehabilitation and about other related evidence based on scientific/clinical information.
  • Join us by telling us a little more about yourself. Please provide your contact information HERE.
  • No membership dues. Always free to join.

Participate as a Stroke Health Industry PARTNER

  • You are a part of industry and work on efforts to improve all phases of the stroke continuum and you want to join us at any of our Florida Stroke Registry meetings (annual and others).
  • Join us by telling us a little more about yourself. Please provide your contact information HERE.
  • No membership dues. Always free to join.
  • We look forward to collaborating!